
Game Face


I’ve got my game face on, do you?

Saturday Weigh Day

Got up this morning and went to WW. My scale at home has not been moving. But then this week, I haven’t really been doing what I need to do.

Got to my meeting and… Up 1 pound.

I’m not surprised.

I haven’t been doing what I need to do. I’ve been getting home after 6 and using that as an excuse to not work out. When I have worked out its been half hearted. I’ve hardly tracked. I own it.

I have no real excuse.  I have a gym at work, why do I not use it? Because I don’t want to get sweaty at work. But they have showers…. So I really have no excuse.

I need to fix this and fix it fast. I’m tired of this roller coaster.


Once again

It’s been a while. I will do better. But just a quick FYI, it is easier to keep up with me on facebook (Run With Patience).


Saturday was the day. It was the Wet & Wild 5K at Knotts Berry Farm and my very first sanctioned (LOL) Turtle meet up.

IT. WAS. AUH – MAZE – ING!!!!!

Friday night myself, Christy, and Crystal drove up to Buena Park (which was an adventure in itself!) and checked into our hotel (The Knotts Berry Resort Hotel), then went over to 24 Hour Fitness to pick up our packets.

Standing by board of the race course with my new Tech Shirt

Tech Shirt and Race Bib!


Once we got those, we went in search of food. I will say this, while have races lined up are great motivators to keep me running, the night before they also give me an excuse to eat foods I wouldn’t normally eat.

We found a Chili’s restaurant and I ate tortilla chips and guacamole (split between the 3 of us), a bacon cheese burger (only 1/2 though, that’s good right?), french fries, and for desert? A chocolate brownie sunday (which I again, only ate 1/2). I will be totally honest. I did not track it at all. I will say this. A year or two ago, I would have eaten everything that I ordered and then probably gotten hungry again later. So while I didn’t eat the best (I just HAD to carbo-load you know?) I didn’t do what I would have done not too long ago.

We got back to the hotel and decided we were going to go down to the hot tub. We quickly changed and then headed down the stairs to the first floor and then had to take the elevator to the Lobby to get out to the pool. We got out there only to discover that the hot tub was closed 😦  So we headed over to the sauna (after discovering that the pool, which not freezing, was not warm).

Once done in the sauna, we headed back upstairs, took showers, and then after discovering that there was NOTHING to watch on TV, we went to bed.

I slept off and on all night. I actually was afraid that I would sleep through the alarm or that I had set it wrong.

I definitely set it wrong. It went off at 5 AM instead of 5:30. ARGH!

At 5:30 I got up, got dressed, and with Christy and Crystal, headed out for the race. On our way there, we came across these little guys.

Rooster! Good morning!

He was happily cock-a-doodle-dooing along with a few others as we walked toward the expo. We also saw a few chicks.. They were so cute, but too fast to take pictures of.

Once there, we settled in to wait.

Crystal, myself, and Christy


I was meeting up with my SoCal Turtles! I couldn’t wait!

I got a phone call from SF (our Turtle General) that they were there and headed my way. Once we met up, it was hugs all around and pictures!

Toni, Christy, Crystal, myself, Clara, Sharon and Susan. (Somehow we missed Toni’s daughter Katie and Susan’s friend Rhea!)

While standing there talking, I realized that Christy and Crystal have been with me at every race that I’ve run (all 3 so far) and Crystal has actually be a part of all 4 races (walking and running). I am so blessed to have these two amazing women to support me!

After that, it was race time.

I decided that I was going to do the next week of E25K for as long as it would go during the race. I put in my ear buds, got my music going, started RunKeeper, started E25K, and off we went.

I honestly think my least favorite part of races so far is the start. Everyone is all bunched together and jostling to get into position. I was happy that I decided to walk the first 5 minutes because then I could find my stride and by the time I’d start running, everyone would would be spread out.

It was honestly of of the most fun races I’ve done so far. I loved going through Knott’s Berry Farm, which is one of my favorite places to go. The course was crazy though, all sorts of turns and switch backs. The first mile seemed like it went on FOR-EV-ER!!! But once I got past the first mile, it went pretty fast.

Crazy course isn’t it!?


Even now, looking at the course above, it looks like it’s longer than a 5K!!! And let me tell you, the last 1/3 mile that you run through the Lazy River was insane!!! When you first stepped in it, it was cold, but within a minute or so, it warmed up.

I was a little nervous that walking through there with my shoes on that I would slip. I had a moment’s thought of taking them off and putting them in a bag that was provided just as you got to the river, but I opted against it. I didn’t want to lose any more time that I would with slogging through the river in hip depth water.

That’s me in the Lazy River!

However, I didn’t think it would be as hard as it was! It definitely slowed me way down and walking through that river, with the currents was pretty strong in some areas and at the end, as you made a U-Turn, the current really pulled hard on you. What I found interesting is that even though it was hard going through the water, once I got out, I felt refreshed and like I could run longer!

I will say that running in wet shoes is not the easiest thing in the world however.

I held on and pushed to the end and even saved enough energy to SPRINT towards the end (I thought about fellow turtle Kim Conely and how she always does that and just knew that I wanted to end that way).

My friend Christy had snuck back to the Finish line to get a picture of me.

I did it!

Then we made our way to the meeting area that we’d set up earlier to get after pictures.

Toni, myself, Crystal, Christy, Clara, Katie, Susan, Shannon, Rhea

We did it!

I got some bling!

Then Crystal, Christy, and I decided to head back to the hotel to shower, change, pack up, and check out. We were meeting the others at a restaurant for brunch. We wound up at Katella Deli and it was SO good!

I had the Spinach Omlette with fruit, a 1/2 bagel (I shared the other 1/2 with Clara) with cream cheese and strawberry jam, and coffee. It seriously hit the spot!

All of us at Katella Deli

After a TON of talking and a lot of hugs, we headed back home.

My time was not the best. I was at 49 minutes, but when I look at my E25K splits, my run time was a little more than a 9 minute mile. I’m happy with that! Now to keep it up at home 🙂

All in all, I loved this weekend. It was so great getting to have time with Crystal and Christy and getting to meet the SoCal turtles and make that connection.

We are already planning the next Turtle meet up. Looks like it’ll be in September.

I can’t wait!

Wow… it’s funny how when you step it up you can get frustrated.

Last week I finished Day 3 of Week 2 of C25K. I had a 9 minute mile run pace. I was beyond excited!

This week, Week 3? My splits have averaged at 15 minute miles. I just don’t get it. And it’s frustrating.

But I’m not giving up!

Today I was able to run all of the runs. That at least was an accomplishment.

One thing that doesn’t change, is not matter how tired I am, no matter how hard it is, I always feel GREAT when I’m done.

Finding my Sole

You ever have those moments where you must choose between doing and not doing? Which really is the choice between doing and quitting when you think about it.

I was so excited last night to put on my shoes and start running again. Sunday I had some great runs on the bridge, even in the midst of dodging and weaving around the masses of people. And, I must say, if felt GREAT passing people up LOL!

What was even better is that I experianced very little pain in my foot.

So last night, I couldn’t wait. I got home, changed clothes, made dinner, then laced up. I put on one of my favorite worship albums to listen to (has a great mix of rythms for me) and decided that I was going to start where I left off on Easter Sunday.

I made sure my warm up pace was faster than normal and when it came time to run? Pain.

And it almost made me quit. But then I decided, “You know, lets see if it works itself out.” After my third interval, there was very little pain. And after the fourth, all I could feel was the determination that I wasn’t going to quit and the pride of pushing through it.

By the time I got home, I had run every interval and kept my walk pace up and I felt sweaty, tired, and fantastic!!!

Then, when I checked my times and distance I was exhilerated!!! Not only had I gone farther (nearly 2 miles compared to a mile and a half the last time) my run intervals were averaging at 9 minute miles!!!


Prior to my injury, I was averaging 11 – 12 minute miles! My DH told me I was not allowed to injur myself again just to get fast times. He’s such a party pooper! 😉

I’m feeling so good about the run last night that I really think I’ll move onto the next week today.  Oh how I have missed running!

On another note, I saw this picture today and wanted to share it with you.

It doesn’t matter where you finish, only that you finished!

This post is a few days late, but I have a good reason for it.

DH and I spent this weekend in a little resort to celebrate our 8th Anniversary. So we committed to no computers, phones, etc. Admittedly it was a little difficult at first, but then it was nice. It was nice to not feel tied to the phone.

However, I want to tell you about Sunday’s event, my first race of the year.

It was the Navy’s 26th Annual Bay Bridge Run / Walk. I got up at 4:30 to get ready to go, and by 5:45 my friends, Christy, Crystal, and I were on the road headed down town. We got great parking and after a few minutes, we walked over to the convention center and behind it to the park where the festivities had already begun.

Christy, Crystal and myself near starting point of the race

I was amazed to see how many people were there. Last count I heard was 11,000 people!!! That’s amazing!!

I knew that I wouldn’t be able to run the entire thing. My ankle still is not 100% but I figured that I could run some of it. My plan was to walk to the high point of the bridge and then run as much as I could from there.  I had to get a picture of the top though.

Picture from the top of the Coronado Bay Bridge

My time was no where near steller. I finished at 1:08. However, it’s something for me to strive for next year. I will beat that time 🙂

I figure I ended up running at least 1/2 a mile. That’s not a lot, I know. But considering that I had to stop training two weeks in and haven’t been able to do much running since, I’m pleased. I know I can run now. I know that I can really get back into my training.

Which I’m happy about. I’m definitely ready to begin again!

The view of the people heading up the bridge

Ever Downward

I want to share something with you.

I’ve never been willing to share this with anyone but my husband, however, I believe that after today, I need to put this out in the blog-o-sphere.

This is my weight loss chart from when i started until now.

I have officially lost a total of 57.4#. FIFTY SEVEN POUNDS!!!!! Really?? How freakin’ awesome is that!? This past week I lost a total of 3.4# and that’s with still keeping my ankle fairly stationary. I’m still not running much but I’m doing the elliptical. However, I am keeping up with my GHG’s and have been tracking (however I’ve only tracked at the end of the day). Also, I have mostly kept to my daily points. I only went over once this week.

Considering the stress of the past two weeks, I’m really proud of myself! I cannot remember the last time I weighed this little in my adult life.  And it’s only going to get better!!!

If you’ve been reading my blog, then you know that I’ve been down and out on the running.

My ankle is doing much better by the way. Thanks for asking 🙂

I’m still not fully running, but was very excited by the fact that last week I was able to run for a  minute and a half on the treadmill. I’m going to attempt to do anything run tonight.

I will say this, the past week and a half have been incredibly stressful. I won’t bore you with the details. Just know that family can be challenging and stressful.


In the past, I would have eaten my way through the last week. I would have had every imaginable thing, from french fries (my biggest trigger food) to potato chips to chocolate. I would have snuck food and hid in the kitchen eating just so no one knew how much I was eating.

And then, even if I was full from that, I would still eat dinner. Yes folks. This girl was a binger.

This time though, while I’m not handling the stress well and definitely going through the cycles of stress (see picture below), I’m not stuffing my face.

I am internalizing a lot, which definitely isn’t good. And I find myself feeling angry. And I may be taking some of it out on my poor, long-suffering husband, however, what I am doing differently is that I’m using exercise.

I’ve been to the gym quite a bit. And that for me, is huge.

The one thing that I am learning is that I have a control issue. I’m having a hard time letting God handle my stress for me. God truly cares about what stresses me out because He says “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) I just need to let Him take care of it.

So between God, my long-suffering husband, and the gym? I’m going to be alright. Now, if only I could get my ankle to cooperate!!!!

Only 13 more days until the Bay Bridge Run and I still can’t run!!! Oh well… I don’t want to push it and do more damage, but darn if it isn’t frustrating!

In the past though, this would have totally derailed me and I would have quit working out, quit eating right, quit tracking, etc. This is how I know this time is different on Weight Watchers.

I haven’t quit. And I have no intentions of it.